Keystore wallet
A keystore wallet is a type of wallet that stores an encrypted version of a private key. The keystore file is generated using a private key and a password that is used to encrypt it. In the web app you can either create a new keystore wallet or create a keystore wallet for an existing seed phrase.
Creating a Keystore wallet
go to the thorwallet web app and click connect on the top right corner.
scroll down in the connect wallet pop-up
Click on "Create Keystore"
web app asks you to set up a password for the keystore file. also displays the seed phrase(please note it down on a piece of paper and store it securely).
Save the keystore file ( we recommend you to save it in a flash drive)
that sit, your keystore wallet/file is created, you can connect it with the web app and use all the functionalities web app has to offer seamlessly with the keystore file/wallet.
Connecting a Keystore Wallet
go to the thorwallet web app and click connect on the top right corner.
Select keystore as the wallet connection type.
Select the keystore file and enter the keystore wallet password and then click "Unlock".
Keystore wallet is now connected with the web app.
Last updated