How to Provide Liquidity?
To provide liquidity, start by going to Earn->Liquidity Pooling->Available Pools
Here you can see all the available pools together with their current APR (you can also sort the pools based on different criteria). Next, click on the pool you want to add liquidity to (in this example, we will use AVAX ) and choose whether you wish to deposit Symmetrically or Asymmetrically. In this example, we will use Asymmetrical Deposit.
After choosing the deposit method, the following screen appears where you set how much you want to deposit into the pool and then click continue.
In the next page, Review the transaction and click on "Add Liquidity Now".
After the transaction goes through the network, the following screen appears, and you have successfully provided liquidity, you can view your positions by going to Earn->Liquidity Pooling->Your Pools.
Last updated